Do 24.10.
Paranoia City Zürich
Revisioning Democracy and Women’s Suffrage: Critical Feminist Interventions, Buchvernissage
Die Herausgeber:innen und Autor:innen unterhalten sich über die Bedeutung des Frauenstimmrechts für das Demokratieverständnis in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein und über aktuelle Herausforderungen für die politische Partizipation von Frauen.
Sie sprechen über die Bedeutung von Erinnerungspolitik und feministischen Kämpfen und Diskursen zu Staatsbürgerschaft und Menschenrechten, über Digitalisierung als Herausforderung für die demokratische Teilhabe von Frauen und über neue Wege, Demokratie zu verstehen und zu stärken.
Mit Anna Antonakis, Zoé Kergomard, Lea Küng, Katrin Meyer, Pauline Milani, Beat Ospelt, Stephanie Pfenninger Tuchschmid, Patricia Purtschert und Yunna Skliarova. Moderation: Helena Rust.
Mit anschliessendem Apéro. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Seismo Verlag. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch statt.
Patricia Purtschert
Patricia Purtschert ist Philosophin, Professorin für Geschlechterforschung und Co-Leiterin des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Geschlechterforschung der Universität Bern.
Anna Antonakis
Anna Antonakis is Senior Program Officer for Gender & Peacebuilding at swisspeace. She is interested in intersectional feminist theory, practice-oriented research and explores the nexus of gender, media, and political transformations in her work. Her research interests are closely related to the historical moment of the revolutionary uprisings in Tunisia, which she witnessed and analysed on- and offline. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the Freie Universität Berlin.
Zoé Kergomard
Zoé Kergomard is a senior lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Zurich and expert in the history of democracy in Western Europe in the 20th and 21st centuries from the perspective of the history of gender. Her current research project focuses on the history of voter turnout in France, East Germany and Switzerland after 1945.
Lea Küng
Lea Küng is a research associate at the Institute for Human Resource Management and Organization, School of Business, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and doctoral candidate at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies, University of Bern. Research interests include gender and inequality relations in labor, low-wage work, and participation in the workplace and labour relations.
Katrin Meyer
Katrin Meyer is titular professor of Philosophy at the University of Basel and a senior lecturer in Gender Studies at the University of Zurich. She works on theories of radical democracy and republicanism from a feminist perspective with particular focus on the normative dimensions of Swiss democracy and women’ suffrage, as well as on critical theories of power and violence, intersectionality, and security in the history of Western political thinking.
Beat Ospelt
Beat Ospelt is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Basel, member of the Gender Studies Doctoral Programme Basel, and an associated doctoral student at the Liechtenstein Institute. His dissertation examines the concept of political subjectivation in Jacques Rancière's work, looking at the example of the struggle for women's suffrage in Liechtenstein and Switzerland. His current research interests are radical theories of democracy.
Stephanie Pfenninger Tuchschmid
Stephanie Pfenninger Tuchschmid holds a Bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication Science of the University of Zurich. She is currently studying Gender Studies at Master’s level with a minor in Law at the University of Zurich.
Yunna Skliarova
Yunna Skliarova holds an MA degree in Gender and English Studies from the University of Zurich. She currently works in the field of integration and teaching in Bern. Her research interests are discourses of militarized masculinities and their representation in popular culture.
Helena Rust
Helena Rust, *1987, ist Islamwissenschaftlerin und Geschlechterforscherin. Sie lebt in Bern und arbeitet an den Universitäten Zürich und Neuchâtel.
Pauline Milani
Pauline Milani is a senior lecturer at the Department of Contemporary History, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Her work focuses on the history of women and gender in Europe, particularly in Switzerland. She leads the research project "Antifeminism in Switzerland, 1971-2001: discourses, practices and transnational circulations" (2023-2026).
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